Coming Soon

Tartan Hart (Hearts on the Line #2)

Teddy McQueen is so deep in the closet he’s practically snow-covered and staring at a lamppost. Unwilling to confront his sexuality due to the conviction he will disappoint his family, he finds solace in providing happy endings for clients in his job instead of the one he secretly craves for himself.

Gorgeous, loud-mouthed Kenzie is a talented, cocky East End wide boy, with no filter and a penchant for easy hookups. He works hard, plays hard, and never has regrets. He sticks to his one rule of never getting involved, because relationships are too complicated.

Rock, meet hard place.

The two men may not officially “be together” but there’s no denying the ferocity of their attraction. When passions flare this hot, there’s no avoiding burns. The question is, are their undies inflammable enough to see them through the conflagration, or will love tear them, their friends, and their families apart.

This book contains strong Cockney accents, a bunch of well-meaning but interfearing friends, eccentric family members, and the occasional kilt. (Damn, there may not be any undies involved at all.)

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